CWR Media Group


The CWR Media Group works to address misinformation about refugees and migration, and to work in Cheltenham to inform local residents about our work and resettlement. Refugees are so often used as scapegoats for other problems, and there’s a lot of fabrication and rhetoric about issues that there isn’t necessarily much understanding of. We want to change that.

We act as a liaison point for our supporters to learn about what we do, what the key issues are, and how they can help. We want to turn sadness and frustration into concrete action, by sharing ways to get involved!

We also try to keep all our supporters updated about CWR’s activities and events.

CWR Media have developed multiple social media and web channels to help spread the word of the amazing work our volunteers and supporters do - and of the ways our refugee families and friends seeking asylum are finding self-determination and happiness in Cheltenham. It’s really wonderful to be able to meet and work with them, and we feel lucky to have them with us.

We are particularly active on Facebook and Instagram so do follow us on those platforms to keep updated with CWR.

We’re always looking to develop our outreach to make more of an impact - if you’re interested in helping out, please check out our Volunteer Opportunities page, which is updated whenever we have a volunteer vacancy or a job we’d like help with.

Alternatively, fill out the application form with your areas of interest, and we’ll arrange a meeting!