

Teaching English to Refugees

CWR works in coordination with Cheltenham Volunteer Teachers to provide English conversation classes for refugee families and people seeking asylum. We also encourage and support people to access local college courses where they are entitled to join them.

CWR/CVT conversations classes take place twice a week with the support of local church groups providing venues. We also run English classes to support people taking their Driving Theory Test where the language can be quite technical! If you are interested in helping coordinate these classes, please contact CWR.

If you’d like more information on helping refugees to learn English, please contact Cheltenham Volunteer Teachers, who provide support for refugee families and people seeking asylum.

Schools Programmes

For the past six years, CWR have worked closely with the majority of primary and secondary schools in the Cheltenham area with the aim of assisting children and young people in understanding the global themes of migration, refugees, and seeking asylum. This includes running assemblies, offering support to PSHE/SMSC and related provision, and encouraging closer links with refugee camps in Lebanon.

We are currently only providing assemblies and workshops to schools on request but we have developed a range of materials for you to download and use.

Please visit our schools’ pages for our range of FREE educational resources.

For further support, please contact us at CWR.

Other Resources

The National Education Union has produced a great guide to help schools welcome and include refugee children, that has been developed and shared by teachers.

Schools of Sanctuary is a growing network with more than 350 primary and secondary schools all committed to supporting the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, creating a culture of welcome, and raising awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers.

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