Employment and Education Opportunities
Employment Support
Support to CVs and job applications. Careers advice. Volunteering and work experience opportunities.
Training and Employment Support (TES) team
Visit First floor of the Hesters Way Community Resource Centre, Cassin Drive, Cheltenham, GL51 7SU
Every Wednesday and Thursday, 10am-12noon and 1pm-3pm
0800 408 0000
GARAS Weekly Job Hub
Visit The Trust Centre, Gloucester, GL1 4XH
Every Tuesday and Thursday
Gloucestershire County Council Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support
Office phone: 01452 425776
Walk In: 4 – 6 Commercial Rd, Gloucester. GL1 2EA
ACH Employment Support
Email career.support@ach.org.uk
Visit https://www.ach.org.uk/career-advice
Skills and Training
Courses on English Language, Maths, Digital Skills, Employability, First Aid, Health and Wellbeing among others.
Adult Education in Gloucestershire
Visit https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/adult-education-in-gloucestershire/
Cheltenham Borough Homes Skills Hub
Hesters Way Resource Centre (upstairs), Cassin Drive, Cheltenham, GL51 7SU
Refugee Education UK