CWR Book Club - How Migration Really Works by Hein de Haas
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - How Migration Really Works by Hein de Haas

Join us for our latest book club discussion on 4 March 2025, 6:30pm, at The Swan Pub on the High Street in Cheltenham.

We're reading How Migration Really Works by Hein de Haas. It's an illuminating read, challenging our ideas and what we think we know about migration! 

Do just turn up or if you want more information, email

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CWR Quiz Night!
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Quiz Night!

Join us for our next Quiz Night at Boston Tea Party on Thursday 13 February at 6:30pm.

There is a suggested donation of £2 per person and a maximum of 6 people per team. Come with friends, or join a team when you arrive. It is always a lovely evening and a great chance to make friends and meet up with fellow CWR supporters.

The Boston Tea Party kitchen closes at 6pm so come early if you want some food before the quiz. Drinks will be available all evening!

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CWR Book Club - The Silence of the Choir
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - The Silence of the Choir

Join us on January 7th for our first book club of 2025. We are reading The Silence of the Choir by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, set on Sicily, it is the story of a whole community of people as they navigate the arrival of a group of migrants to a small Sicilian town. It is a rich, powerful and piercing look at the attitudes, politics, compassion and determination of the residents and new arrivals to the town.

We will be meeting in The Swan pub, on the High Street, Cheltenham, at 6:30pm. Do join us, just come along whether you have read the book and want to discuss it or are just interested in hearing what everyone thought.

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Inter Faith Week - CWR Showcase Event
7:00 PM19:00

Inter Faith Week - CWR Showcase Event

Different faith communities will come together once again from 10th – 17th November to mark national Inter Faith Week. The theme of the week is ‘Stronger Together’ with a focus on sharing our spiritual homes and how we help in the community. Throughout the week, a number of Cheltenham’s faith groups will open their doors to anyone who would like to visit and learn more about them. These events are being delivered in partnership with Cheltenham Inter Faith and Cheltenham Borough Council. You can find details of all the week’s events and book tickets at: Cheltenham Inter Faith event tickets from TicketSource. Everyone is welcome at all of the events and tickets are free.  Pre-registration is essential.

One of the events will showcase the work of Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees and be an opportunity to explore the involvement and aspirations of local faith groups to support refugees living in Cheltenham.

You are warmly invited to join us at this event.

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CWR Book Club at the Cheltenham Lit Fest
6:00 PM18:00

CWR Book Club at the Cheltenham Lit Fest

We'll be taking to The Huddle Stage in Montpellier Gardens to give you our top recommendations in reading refugee voices and we'll be celebrating Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers' new book of traditional stories as told by their clients from around the world. Join us for storytelling, readings and recommendations on 7 October 2024 at 6pm on The Huddle Stage.
Then join us afterwards in the Lit Fest Café to discuss this month's book:
Silence is My Mother Tongue by Sulaiman Addonia.

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Film screening of Aisha at Cheltenham Playhouse
6:30 PM18:30

Film screening of Aisha at Cheltenham Playhouse

Get ready for our 2024 Film Night! We’ll be screening ‘Aisha’ starring Letitia Wright and Josh O'Connor at the Cheltenham Playhouse on Tuesday 10 September 2024.

Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. Alone and unwilling to sacrifice her dignity to satisfy the demands of the authorities, she finds an ally in Conor, an employee at her residence home, a local young man with a troubled past of his own. Together they struggle to maintain their tender friendship in the face of Aisha’s increasingly dire predicament and her rapidly diminishing options.

This event is part of a series of ‘Mayor’s Charities’ events for 2024. CWR is grateful to by chosen as one of the Mayor’s Charities along with Aim Up, Friends of Sandford Park and CCP. Funds raised from the event will be split between the four charities.

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CWR Book Club - Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa
6:00 PM18:00

CWR Book Club - Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa

Our next book club is at the height of summer - 6 August 2024 at 6pm. We’re going to have Bookclub in the Park (weather permitting). We’ll be meeting near the bandstand in Montpellier Gardens. Bring a rug or picnic chair and we’ll find a nice spot to get settled and discuss the latest book.

The book this time is Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa.

“As Nahr sits, locked away in solitary confinement, she spends her days reflecting on the dramatic events that landed her in an Israeli prison. Born in Kuwait in the 70s to Palestinian refugees, she dreamed of falling in love with the perfect man, modern appliances, children, and possibly opening her own beauty salon. Instead, the man she thinks she loves jilts her after a brief marriage, her family teeters on the brink of poverty, she’s forced to prostitute herself, and the US invasion of Iraq makes her a refugee, as her parents had been. After trekking through another temporary home in Jordan, she lands in Palestine, where she finally makes a home, falls in love, and her destiny unfolds under Israeli occupation.”

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New Chapters - An exhibition of art and photography by refugees and asylum seekers
to Jul 31

New Chapters - An exhibition of art and photography by refugees and asylum seekers

  • Google Calendar ICS

Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees is excited to bring a wonderful mixture of work to Sixteen Gallery, from people from many different countries. This includes professional artists and people who have turned to art for the first time to support their mental health and wellbeing during a very difficult transition. They are influenced by memories of home, their journeys to Cheltenham and their new chapters in life.

Music, Rap, and authentic food and drink from many of the cultures represented in the exhibition will also be featured during the week.

This event is in support of the Mayor’s Charity 2024/25. We are delighted to part of this wonderful group along side the other chosen charities.  Follow the links to find out more about them:

Aim Up, CCP, Friends of Sandford Park

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CWR Quiz Night!
6:00 PM18:00

CWR Quiz Night!

Our next quiz night is coming up on 27 June 2024 at 6:30pm at Boston Tea Party. As usual come with a team of up to 6 people or come by yourself and join a team when you get there. The BTP kitchen closes at 6 usually so come early if you want food, or otherwise they will be serving drinks and smoothies all evening.

£2 suggested donation per person.

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Reading Refugee Stories
5:30 PM17:30

Reading Refugee Stories

For Refugee Week we are joining with Gloucestershire Libraries to celebrate Refugee Stories. We will be holding an event at the main Cheltenham Library on Monday 17 June 2024 at 5:30pm to start off Refugee Week thinking about what makes up the refugee experience and celebrating the many and varied refugee voices.

We’ll be reading extracts of some of our recommended reads and discussing what to bear in mind when reading refugee literature.

We are excited to be joined by Jude Emmet from Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. GARAS has collected 25 traditional stories from their refugee and asylum seeking clients from all over the world to mark their 25th birthday. They are aiming to turn these into a book. A selection of their stories will be performed as part of our Reading Refugee Stories event on 17 June.

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CWR Quiz Night!
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Quiz Night!

Join us for our next Quiz Night at the Boston Tea Party. We will be meeting to enjoy our usual Quiz fun and fundraising on Thursday 21 March 2024. The quiz kicks off at 6:30pm but come early if you want food as the BTP kitchen closes at 6pm. Drinks are served all evening!

Come along with a team or join one when you get there. We’d love to see you!

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CWR Book Club - Azadi by Arundhati Roy
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - Azadi by Arundhati Roy

Our book group will next read Azadi by Arundhati Roy, a collection of political essays that the Indian author has published between 2018 and 2020 that revolve around Indian identity and Hindu nationalism. She “challenges us to reflect on the meaning of freedom in a world of growing authoritarianism.”

We’re meeting at The Swan pub, High Street, Cheltenham on Tuesday 6th February at 6.30pm. 

Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you on 6th February or on the first Tuesday of every other month!

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Festive Concert 2023
6:45 PM18:45

Festive Concert 2023

Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees and Cheltenham Volunteer Teachers English Classes invite you to come and join their festive celebration at St Thomas More Church on 15 December 2023 at 6:45pm.

There will be carol singing, mince pies and hot drinks on offer.

If you’d like to attend, please email so there is an idea of numbers.

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CWR Book Club - Cane, Corn and Gully by Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - Cane, Corn and Gully by Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa

CWR’s next book club is on Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 6:30pm at The Swan pub, High Street, Cheltenham. We are reading Cane, Corn & Gully by Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa. It is described as a “joyous liberatory dance against oppression presently and historically.”

Do join us to discuss it on 5 December!

If you would like to be added to the email distribution list for reminders about Book Club and updates on what we will be reading next, do email

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CWR Quiz Night! 9 November 2023
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Quiz Night! 9 November 2023

Our Quiz is back with more fun and brain teasers planned for 9 November 2023 at the Boston Tea Party. The questions start at 6:30pm and BTP will be serving drinks throughout, but do come early if you also want food as their kitchen usually closes around 6pm.

It’s a suggested donation of £2 per person for entry - come with a team, or just rock up and join one! Teams of 6 are generally the max. :D

Can’t wait to see you there!

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CWR Film Night for Refugee Week: Limbo
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Film Night for Refugee Week: Limbo

For Refugee Week, we’re holding a Film Night, showing of Limbo, a drama and comedy about the refugee experience.

Thursday 22nd June at 7pm (bar open from 6.30pm) at the Cheltenham Playhouse.

Come and join us to celebrate UK Refugee Week with "this wry, poignant, and bracingly funny ode to the kindness of strangers."

Ben Sharrock’s critically adored Limbo is a poignant cross-cultural satire that subtly sews together the hardship and hope of the refugee experience. Set on a fictional remote Scottish island, it follows a group of new arrivals as they await the results of their asylum claims.

You're invited to stay for a short Q&A to find out more about the situation in Cheltenham and Gloucestershire.

Did you know that asylum seekers are not allowed to work while their claims are being considered? They are keen to use their skills and contribute to our economy. Find out more about the coalition to lift the ban on them working here and sign the petition: 

Limbo is rated suitable for viewers age 12 and over.

Go to to book tickets - £6.

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CWR Book Club - The Leash and The Ball by Rodaan Al Galidi
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - The Leash and The Ball by Rodaan Al Galidi

Our next CWR/Lives of Colour Book Club is on 6 June 2023, 6:30pm at The Swan, High Street, Cheltenham.

We're reading The Leash and The Ball by Rodaan Al Galidi.

It's the story of Samir, who after 9 years in a Dutch asylum centre, finally has the chance to start his new life as a European citizen. We follow Samir as he talks his way into every type of accommodation to be found in this new country of incomprehensible rules and habits. It explores the meaning of home, and making oneself at home against all odds. 

Do come join us to discuss it at 6:30 at The Swan in Cheltenham.

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CWR Quiz Night!
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Quiz Night!

Join us on May 11th 2023 for our popular quiz night!
This time we’re teaming up with the University of Gloucestershire’s Refugee Support Society to come up with some challenging rounds and to help them raise money for their volunteering trip to Calais to work with the Refugee Community Kitchen.

The suggested donation is £2 per person. Teams can be up to about 6 people. Either come with a team or join one when you arrive!

As ever, we’re so grateful to Boston Tea Party for hosting us. Do come early if you want to order food as the last food orders are usually around 6pm.

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The Big Help Out - CWR Meet Up
3:00 PM15:00

The Big Help Out - CWR Meet Up

Come and join us in the park to find out more about our volunteering opportunities! 

We are a small charity, run by volunteers, and we're always looking for more people to become involved in our monthly café, our yearly summer picnic, our media and events groups and many other activities.

Did you know that in the UK, people who are waiting for their asylum claim to be considered cannot work? Many would love to use theirs skills and talents to contribute. Today, we will also post about this issue on social media and share the Lift the Ban campaign: If you have a smartphone, you can come and join us and post today.

We will be sitting on a blanket in Pittville Park, below the play area, 3pm-5pm on 8 May 2023. In the case of bad weather, we will instead meet at the Friends Meeting House GL52 2NP, We will update this page on the weekend.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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CWR Book Club - Welcome to Lagos
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - Welcome to Lagos

The next CWR/Lives of Colour book club book is Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo. It’s the story of five runaways who take the bus to a better life in a megacity. Each has to face up to life-changing choices between morality and truth, as all the multifaceted shades of humanity are shown up in the kaleidoscope of Lagos. 

We will be discussing the book on Tuesday 4 April 2023 at 6:30pm in The Railway Pub, New Street, Cheltenham. We hope you can join us! 

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CWR Quiz Night!
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Quiz Night!

Our Quiz Night is back! We’ll be at the Boston Tea Party in Cheltenham for another fun-packed quiz on 23 February 2023. Get a team together or come down and join one on the night. Suggested donation is £2 per person.

Arrive early to order food!

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CWR Book Club - Little Brother by Ibrahima Balde and Amets Arzallus Antia
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - Little Brother by Ibrahima Balde and Amets Arzallus Antia

Cwr/lives of colour book club - 8 feb 2023 - little brother

book club invite with book cover for Little Brother by Ibrahima Balde

Join us on 8 February 2023, 6:30pm at The Railway Pub in Cheltenham to discuss our next book club book. We’re reading Little Brother by Ibrahima Balde and Amets Arzallus Antia. It is the first hand account of Ibrahima’s journey from West Africa to Europe, crossing the desert looking for his brother.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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9:00 AM09:00


CWR takes over the pitville park parkrun

Image of Parkrun event and event details

We’re excited for another Parkrun Takeover in 2023. Taking place on 28 January 2023 at the Pitville Park Parkrun. Register with parkrun to take part on the day and if you would like to run in one of our CWR running vests, please email Isabel at

If you are a CWR registered volunteer and would like to help steward the run, please contact You need to be free from 8am on the day for a quick induction.

Thanks to the Parkrun organisers for inviting us back!

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CWR Book Club - Two Caravans by Marina Lewycka
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - Two Caravans by Marina Lewycka

The next CWR/Lives of Colour Book Club is going to be held in person on Tuesday 6 December 2022, 6:30pm at The Railway Pub, New Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3QL. Do come down and join us there whether you’re a long standing book club member or a just interested in finding out more.

We’re a friendly group and whether you manage to read the book or not, our discussions are always interesting, open-minded and a good space for engaging with issues that affect us all.

This month’s book is Two Caravans by Marina Lewycka. Hilarious and moving, it is a story set in the English countryside, beginning on a beautiful summer evening in a Kent field where, around their two caravans, a little group of strawberry pickers are getting ready to celebrate a birthday...

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CWR Book Club - His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Book Club - His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie

Join our CWR/Lives of Colour Book Club on 4 October 2022 at 6:30pm at The Railway pub, New Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3QL.

We’re reading His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie. It’s an engaging tale about a Ghanaian woman who enters an arranged marriage to please her family and then has to search for her independence.

Enjoy! And see you on 4 October to talk all about it!

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CWR Quiz Night!
6:30 PM18:30

CWR Quiz Night!

Join us for our fun-filled fundraising Quiz Night on 28 September 2022. The Boston Tea Party in Cheltenham are kindly hosting us again. The Quiz will get started at 6:30pm.

When: Wednesday 28 September 2022 at 6:30pm

Where: Boston Tea Party, 45-49 Clarence Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3JS

Suggested Donation: £2 per person

poster with event info
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