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CWR Book Club - Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa

Our next book club is at the height of summer - 6 August 2024 at 6pm. We’re going to have Bookclub in the Park (weather permitting). We’ll be meeting near the bandstand in Montpellier Gardens. Bring a rug or picnic chair and we’ll find a nice spot to get settled and discuss the latest book.

The book this time is Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa.

“As Nahr sits, locked away in solitary confinement, she spends her days reflecting on the dramatic events that landed her in an Israeli prison. Born in Kuwait in the 70s to Palestinian refugees, she dreamed of falling in love with the perfect man, modern appliances, children, and possibly opening her own beauty salon. Instead, the man she thinks she loves jilts her after a brief marriage, her family teeters on the brink of poverty, she’s forced to prostitute herself, and the US invasion of Iraq makes her a refugee, as her parents had been. After trekking through another temporary home in Jordan, she lands in Palestine, where she finally makes a home, falls in love, and her destiny unfolds under Israeli occupation.”